Friday, November 20, 2009

Penny Laine

So since Steve made this Boldblog and has not kept it up I am going to take a stab at it. I am not very good at stuff like this so we will see how it goes. As many of you know Penny Laine has arrived! She came on November 8th. She weighed 8 lbs and was 21 inches long. I ended up having to have a c-section after 10 hours of labor. She is healthy and very content. We have been very lucky because she is such an easy going baby. Steve's little sister Suzi had her baby the same day as well, which is going to be very fun! They are twin cousins. Having a baby in Belize was a little bit different. They don't provide any thing. After she was born they asked us for soap, a wash cloth, and towel to clean her. I was not able to sit up for the first 12 hours after she was born so they gave her formula and we didn't bring a bottle so they fed her out of a little cup.

After two days in the hospital we were ready to go home. I got in a taxi and the nurse just set her on my lap and away we went. After the taxi we took a plane to the island and then a boat to Sueno. It was quite an adventure for a two day old baby. She slept through the whole thing!
My Mom and Dad were both here for Penny's arrival. It has been fun having them here to enjoy the new baby and help out.

Penny had a little jaundice so she had to be under the "lights" naked for a day. We couldn't stand just leaving her there all the time so we would sneak her out every once in a while. This is her red naked wrinkely body. I just want to squeeze it!
Check out her cheeks. This picture makes them look huge but they aren't quite that big in real life. She likes to have her hands near her face. Occasionally a finger makes it in her mouth. When she isn't bundled up this is how Penny likes to sleep...arms extended up above her head. We are so excited she is finally here. Thanks for all of the love and support! We appreciate all of the calls and e-mails.


Just Us said...

Congrats Jess!! I am so happy to hear that everything went well! I really do hope you keep up on the blog since it's the only way I can keep up with you :0)!! I am sure you are way busy...but I would love to hear from you when you get a minute!! Yea for your little family!!

Heidi said...

congratulations cousins!!! the name, the name!! i am in love. :) she's adorable, and what an experience to have a baby outside the USA. what an awesome family she has!

Trev and Shan said...

She is so precious, Jessica! I can't believe the hospital doesn't provide anything and that they fed her out of a cup, that is crazy! She will have quite the story to tell her kids someday. I'm glad everything went well, you look awesome. Definitely keep your blog updated. Congratulations!!

The Higbee Family said...

Congratulations Jess! I haven't checked your blog for a while, but I knew it was coming. She is absolutely beautiful! Oh, I wish I could be there to give her a squeeze too! I am so happy for you and glad that everything went okay. Best of luck and I will have to give you a call sometime soon! Love YA.

Amy said...

Congrats you guys! What an adventure! She is darling! You guys are so daring! She really is beautiful and we're so happy for you guys.